Another year has gone by, and a new one is right around the corner! This means the team at Consumer Focus Marketing has another batch of new forecasts in the marketing industry. Since there’s so much to look forward to in 2024, we made it a priority to narrow down the list to several key marketing initiatives that can help elevate your business. Keep reading and learn which marketing trends your company should utilize to achieve your goals.

Our Top 5 Marketing Tips for 2024

1. Start Offering Payment Plans

Want to please your existing customers and gain some new ones at the same time? Implement a payment plan system! Making it so your customers can pay a set amount each month for their fuel is a great way to show them you care about their desire to stick to a set budget. This kind of genuine effort to help your customers will most likely result in some free word-of-mouth marketing, and you can also pursue paid marketing options related to your new program.

2. Focus on Customer Service Representative Training

Customers remember the service they receive, and bad service will make them leave your company before you know it. Training your employees to consistently, accurately, and confidently handle customer interactions is the first step to maintaining customers for life. Additionally, a survey found that 94% would stay at their current employer if they invested in their long-term learning.1 This is because employees who feel supported, educated, and prepared face reduced stress and embarrassment when they are faced with a difficult customer service situation. Get in touch with us to schedule CSR training and improve retention to help you stay ahead of the competition this year.

3. Enhance the Overall Customer Experience

Every year is the year of the customer, because without their loyalty your business would be going nowhere fast. It is important to keep in mind that consumers are shopping online for more than just products and services now; they want a positive shopping experience. Consumers are more likely to stick with brands that provide an above-and-beyond user experience. Looking for easy ways to enhance your customers’ experience? Try setting up easy online ordering, offering online bill pay, or creating a loyalty rewards program.

Related Post: 3 Fun Ways to Engage with Customers on Social Media

4. Visualization Is Key

While smart speakers and voice searches have exploded in popularity over recent years, it’s important not to neglect visual content and the basic elements of brand storytelling. Your target consumers most likely prefer visual content over plain text[1], especially on image-focused platforms like Instagram. Believe it or not, 65% of people are visual learners[2], and colored visuals increase a person’s desire to read content by 80%! Make sure that you make your messaging interesting and attractive by adding visuals.

5. Keep It Conversational

Voice search using virtual assistants (Siri, Google, Alexa, etc.) is growing at a rapid rate. The next generation isn’t interested in typing long queries into a search engine—instead, they’re going to use a voice assistant to ask the question they want to know. This means that search queries will change in length and tone, so if you want to keep up with the Joneses and optimize your content for 2024, you’ll incorporate longer terminology and more casual, conversational language.

Contact Consumer Focus for 2024 Marketing Planning

So, are you ready to achieve your 2024 marketing goals? Contact Consumer Focus Marketing to set up a time to discuss which 2024 marketing trends you want to incorporate into your strategy this year. Consumer Focus offers marketing strategies, new website development, search engine optimization, email marketing, social media, print marketing, and much more. Get in touch with us for expert marketing guidance today!


