By now, you’ve likely heard about the benefits of having a streamlined, cohesive marketing strategy across all of your social media profiles, print, and web marketing. It’s a no-brainer that having top-notch marketing will garner more web traffic and new customers, but now it’s time to take the final step and ensure the people at the heart of your business—your hardworking employees (customer service reps, service technicians, management, and sales personnel)—are spreading the same message as your marketing. There’s no better recipe for success than consistency, timeliness, customer satisfaction, and great reviews.

To make sure your employees are effectively representing your brand’s marketing messages, learn more about the top strategies  Consumer Focus Marketing™ recommends.

How to Make Sure Your Employees are Spreading the Same Message as Marketing

Your marketing team is finally on track, your branding is perfect for your message, and your website is a fantastic hub for your customers to access your services. At this point, you’ve started to see the effects of how an integrated marketing strategy is working to help grow your business and attract new customers to trust you with their energy needs. But, there’s one last thing to consider to keep your messaging consistent – how your employees are representing your company.

Luckily, we’ve outlined our top five tips that we recommend to help support your valued staff when it comes to implementing the core ideals from your marketing into their personal interactions with customers day-to-day.

Define Your Brand Identity and Core Values for Your Employees

Maintaining a consistent core message at the heart of your company’s service, marketing, and business goals makes all the difference. Watch how your business grows when your customers begin to associate specific visual values with your company, thanks to your brand’s marketing being reinforced by your staff and employees’ effortless adherence to the company’s message. We recommend defining your core values, important slogans, and overall mission for employees and letting them know where best to focus their effort and attention, especially when encountering customers. Consumer Focus Marketing™ can aid in your brand development and help define your company’s identity in a way that is effective for growth and seamless for employees to integrate.

Related Post: 3 Ways to Get Employees Involved with Your Company’s Social Media

Update your Communication Tools & Software

How are you communicating your core messages to your team and keeping them updated on day-to-day business and marketing goals and procedures? Are all of your relevant documents, employee handbooks, and meeting notes readily available for staff in a digital format that can be easily updated? If not, we have a solution.

We suggest using a project managing and business communication software to house all important tasks, internal communication, and documents in one place where they can be easily updated by employees and keep business moving quickly and efficiently.

If you want to keep your staff aware of seasonal promotions on your website, monthly email marketing, and social media advertising efforts, be sure to share these materials with your team and hold a monthly meeting so these points are not overlooked in their daily one-on-one interactions with customers.

Create a Cheat-Sheet for Employees Customer Service Interactions

Consistency is key, especially for customer service representatives and service technician staff. Chances are, most of your employees will have a meaningful interaction (or many) with a customer over the course of their week so why not ensure these valuable conversations align with the messaging and core values of your company’s marketing strategy.

A quick and practical way to do this is by creating a detailed customer service script in which you write out several scenarios a customer may be reaching out to your company. This document should be laden with relevant FAQs, sincerity for customer concerns, and provide the employee with several solutions for handling tricky questions and circumstances. Luckily for you, Consumer Focus Marketing™ can create detailed customer service scripts with your business and customers in mind and help staff become acquainted with the best business practices that you establish.  Contact us here to get started.

Related Post: Train Your CSRs on How to Answer Difficult Customer Questions

Emphasize the Importance of Fast Response Times

The energy industry is responsible for powering homes, business, farms, fleets, and factories all over the world. In other words, your business plays an essential role in your local community. Your customers also are rely on your company, no matter how small or large, to take care of them in a pinch.

To help ensure employees are conveying the messaging in a marketing strategy, it is best to treat every customer inquiry with a degree of urgency. Your energy business is likely fueling the homes of your very own friends and neighbors so responding quickly to customers is important for maintaining your company’s reputation.

Enroll Your Team in Industry-Specific Training

Customer service representatives (CSRs) are in direct contact with customers daily and are a resource for homeowners interested in products and services. For this reason, it is important CSRs are highly knowledgeable about offerings and current marketing efforts so they can accurately articulate their value.

By engaging with Consumer Focus for professional CSR training, it will provide your CSR team with unique opportunities to achieve consistent answers to customer inquiries, more successful sales opportunities, better customer retention, and boosted morale. If you are interested in signing up your employees for any of our targeted focus groups, get in touch with us here.

Need Help Creating a Marketing Strategy That Works? Trust the Experts at Consumer Focus

Consumer Focus Marketing™ has developed unique products and services developed specifically for full-service companies in the oil heat and propane industries. We work with our clients to improve service department profitability, gain efficiencies, and produce better year-round technician utilization than imagined. We can help ensure your marketing messaging is integrated into your employees’ natural work flow, and your company is being represented consistently—whether your customers are interacting with you online, over the phone, or in person. The Consumer Focus Marketing™ workforce and development training is the best way to give employees a leg up by equipping them with the latest up-to-date information about the energy industry, as well as relevant tools and strategies for interacting with customers in a way that represents your business with the care and professionalism you strive for. Click here for a FREE consultation with one of our energy marketing experts.